There is no comparable pain to that of a backache. Especially the lower back which is a strong working part of your anatomy. The low back provides a number of functions for the body. It provides us with the ability to move and twist our back. Your low back when supportive allows us to be quite flexible. Your lower back also provided coverage for certain body tissues like your spine. The lower back also works to provide us with support structurally. It keeps our back straight and aligned. When we are standing or moving the lower back is in full support of our upper torso. So the lower back really has a lot of duties. Naturally when we are experiencing lower back pain it affects most other parts of our body. There are two types of low back pain. There is acute pain, which is short term. It usually lasts a few days to a week and can become serious or chronic if left untreated. Then there is chronic back pain which is defined as lower back pain lasting longer than 3 weeks. Let’s go over a few of the causes of lower back pain and the suggested treatments for them.
One cause of lower back pain is pregnancy. If you have ever been pregnant you can relate. With the baby positioning themselves in the womb and the natural curve of your spinal area moving this can lead to back pain. Of course one of the treatments would be to not get pregnant. As well it’s important to stay healthy physically during pregnancy. The will aid in keeping your back loose and hopefully less chance to injure.
Shingles as well can lead to back pain. Shingles is an acute infection of the nerves generally at certain levels of the spine. This is always evident on one side of the body only. Treatments for shingles can be lotions, medications, lighting treatment close to that of a tanning booth, and even the use of pain patches.
There is also lumbar pain which can be acute or chronic. As mentioned before acute meaning short term and chronic meaning longer lasting. A lumber strain is a stretch of the nerves, muscles or tendons of the back and can be very painful. Lumbar strain is considered one of the most common of the back pains. This can be caused by overuse, underuse and improper use. Body mechanics play an important role in ensuring you don’t strain your back. There are many treatments for a lumbar strain. Massage would be a nice natural way to alleviate the pain. Rest is a big one. Get plenty of rest and give the area time to heal. You can also take medication to try and relieve the pain.
There is one thing for sure lower back pain hurts. There are things we can try to do to prevent as well. Body mechanics is the key here. Be realistic with what you expect your body to do.
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