Patients were divided according to the cause of death, and underlying characteristics were compared using a Kruskal-Wallis test, Fisher exact test, or x2 test, as appropriate. Results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. Analyses were performed using a statistical software package (JMP, version 7; SAS Institute; Cary, NC).
Results We identified 43 decedents (31 men; 72%) with COPD in whom an autopsy was performed. All of them were admitted to the hospital with symptoms of severe exacerbation of disease, and all died within the first 24 h of hospital admission. The median age at death was 70 years (IQR, 65 to 75 years). The median duration of COPD was 10 years (IQR, 5 to 15 years). Based on autopsy findings, the main causes of death were cardiac failure (n = 16; 37%), pneumonia (n = 12; 28%), PTE (n = 9; 21%), and respiratory failure (n = 6; 14%) Five patients who died of cardiac failure had predominant right heart insufficiency.
Thirty-three patients (77%) had at least one, and 25 (58%) had two or more comorbidities defined as a clinical diagnosis of chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, and pathologic findings of ventricular ulcer, carcinomas, or diffuse atherosclerosis. Of six patients who were found to have carcinomas on autopsy, three had lung carcinoma (all of them died of cardiac failure), two had breast cancer, and one had urinary bladder cancer. Six patients were found to have evidence of deep vein thrombosis on autopsy; four of them died of PTE.
Baseline characteristics, clinical signs, and symptoms as well as laboratory findings were nonspecific. All patients presented with severe dyspnea. Patients with pneumonia were more likely to present with productive cough. Eight of nine patients with PTE presented with tachycardia. Patients with pneumonia and PTE had an elevated creatinine level. ECG and chest radiographic findings also had limited diagnostic value (Table 3). Patients who died due to cardiac failure and PTE were more likely to have evidence of cardiomegaly on chest radiograph. In patients with cardiac failure, vascular congestion was present on hospital admission in most of the cases.
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Posted by: admin in Diseases on October 17th, 2014
Background: Patients with a history of asthma-related hospitalizations are at high risk of readmission and generally consume a large amount of health-care resources. It is not clear if the secondary care provided by specialists after an episode of asthma-related hospitalization is associated with better outcomes compared with the primary care provided by general practitioners.
Methods: Using population-based administrative health Australia Pharmacy online data from the province of British Columbia, Canada, we created a propensity-score-matched cohort of individuals who received primary vs secondary care in the 60 days after discharge from asthma-related hospitalization. Total direct asthma-related medical costs (primary outcome) and health service use and measures of medication adherence (secondary outcomes) were compared for the next 12 months.
Results: Two thousand eighty-eight individuals were equally matched between the primary and secondary care groups. There was no difference in the direct asthma-related costs (difference $567; 95% CI, —$276 to $1,410) and rate of readmission (rate ratio [RR] = 1.06; 95% CI, 0.85-1.32) between the secondary and the primary care groups. Patients under secondary care had a higher rate of asthma-related outpatient service use (RR = 1.22; 95% CI, 1.11-1.35) but a lower rate of shortacting p-agonist dispensation (RR = 0.91; 95% CI, 0.85-0.98). The proportion of days covered with a controller medication in Canadian Pharmacy Generic was higher among the secondary care group (difference of 3.2%; 95% CI, 0.4%-6.0%).
Conclusions: Compared with those who received only primary care, patients who received secondary care showed evidence of more appropriate treatment. Nevertheless, there were no differences in the costs or the risk of readmission. Adherence to asthma medication in both groups was poor, indicating the need for raising the quality of care provided by generalists and specialists alike.
Posted by: admin in Diseases on October 10th, 2014
One of the investigators (SS) made daily rounds in the medical ICU to identify eligible patients. Patients who were entered into the study were prospectively followed up until they were discharged from the hospital or had died. Discharge from the hospital was defined as patient transfer from the hospital to home, to a skilled nursing facility, or to a private rehabilitative hospital. All patients suspected of having a microbiologically confirmed infection were prospectively and independently reviewed by a board-certified infectious disease physician (VJF) to confirm the diagnosis and the adequacy of the prescribed antimicrobial therapy using the criteria described below. Patients could not be entered into the study more than once during the same hospitalization.
All definitions were selected prospectively as part of the original study design. We calculated APACHE II scores on the basis of the clinical data available from the first 24-h period of intensive care. Canadian viagra shop The definition used for severe sepsis was the one proposed by the American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference. The Organ System Failure Index was modified from that used by Rubin and coworkers. One point was given for acquired dysfunction of each organ system. Renal dysfunction was defined as a twofold increase in baseline creatinine level or an absolute increase in baseline creatinine level of 176.8 pmol/L (ie, 2.0 mg/dL). Hepatic dysfunction Viagra pharmacy Canada was defined as an increase in total bilirubin level to > 34.2 pmol/L (ie, 2.0 mg/dL). Pulmonary dysfunction was defined as one of the following:
(1) a requirement for mechanical ventilation for a diagnosis of pneumonia, COPD, asthma, or pulmonary edema (cardiogenic or noncardiogenic);
(2) a Pao2 of < 60 mm Hg while receiving a fraction of inspired oxygen of > 0.50;
(3) the use of at least 10 cm H2O of positive end-expiratory pressure, hematologic dysfunction, the presence of disseminated intravascular coagulation, a leukocyte count of < 1,000 cells/pL (ie, 1.0 X 109 cells/L) or a platelet count of < 75 X 103 cells/pL (ie, 75 X 109 cells/L), neurologic dysfunction, a new focal deficit (eg, hemiparesis after cerebral infarction) or a new generalized process (eg, seizures or coma), GI dysfunction, GI hemorrhage requiring transfusion, or new ileus or diarrhea lasting for > 24 h and unrelated to previous bowel surgery. Cardiac dysfunction was defined as acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, or the new onset of congestive heart failure.
Posted by: admin in Diseases on September 6th, 2011
There are many incredible Impetigo treatments that are available that have been known to be effective, from antibiotics to home remedies. In this article, I’m going to share an extremely powerful Impetigo treatment that has been around for ages and has been proven time and time again to heal Impetigo quickly.
Since Impetigo is a contagious bacterial infection, the best way to treat it is through an antibiotic. While going to your doctor and having a prescribed antibiotic isn’t the best Impetigo treatment that I recommend, there are other safe methods that are more available.
For example, Colloidal Silver.
Colloidal Silver was the most popular antibiotic in use until 1938. After that, the pharmaceutical companies started producing antibiotics that are more powerful, but can cause harm to our bodies. The primary benefit and reason why I recommend Colloidal Silver as an Impetigo treatment, is because it is a natural antibiotic. It’s also anti-viral and anti-fungal, and can be used externally and internally.It doesn’t have the same side effects or produce harm to your body like a prescription antibiotic can.
Where can you get Colloidal Silver?
You can purchase Colloidal Silver at any local health foods store. It generally comes in a liquid form and is very inexpensive.
How do I use Colloidal Silver as an Impetigo treatment?
Like I said earlier, you can use it externally or internally.
— For external use, you can apply 1-3 drops onto your Impetigo skin rash, which will help kill any bacteria and provide a healing affect to the blisters and rash.
— For internal use, you can ingest 1-3 drops in a glass of water and drink it. This will kill off the bacteria in the body that is causing the Impetigo rash and boost your immune system.
You want to make sure you are drinking lots of water and staying hydrated while consuming any antibiotic. Also, because antibiotics kill of the good bacteria in your body, it is recommended that you take probiotics as well. This way you’re still maintaining good bacteria in your body, while killing off the bad bacteria that is causing Impetigo.
Not only that, but probiotics fight off bad bacteria as well, which will help as an Impetigo treatment.
How long will this take to heal Impetigo?
If you do this, along with avoiding scratching or making sure the rash gets infected, you should be able to heal Impetigo within days. There are many other remedies and natural treatments that I recommend that can help as well.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Diseases on May 20th, 2011
Treatment for Candidiasis is applied to prevent further damage to your body. Home treatments are helpful for infants and adults, and can be carried out in different simple steps.
Candidiasis in the mouth is also known as oral thrush which commonly affects infants; however it can also occur in adults. This is a condition resulting from an overgrowth of Candida albicans, which naturally grow in the moist areas of your body.
Oral thrush in babies is common and usually caused by your baby’s exposure to various bacteria after birth, hence the baby’s immune system is not yet fully develop, thus they are vulnerable to acquire infections.
You must be alarmed if you notice a white to yellowish patch around your baby’s mouth, this is a symptom for candidiasis. If you are breastfeeding your child, you must stop, because the infection can lead to your nipple’s yeast infection.
Obviously it is not a good idea if you use harsh chemical solutions when you are feeding your baby. If you are in this case, you need a more natural and holistic cure for thrush.
Thrush infection in adults is usually caused by overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotic has the capacity to kill off naturally occurring bacteria allowing Candida to flourish.
If you are affected, you may notice a burning, sensitive tongue, redness, inflammation and the development of white patchy spots on the tongue and inside your mouth.
Thrush can be treated by natural home remedies.
Home Remedies for Infants
• Diet
Your diet can usually cause yeast overgrowth, leading to thrush. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you must add quantity of dark leafy greens vegetables and fruits in your diet. You must get rid of deep fried foods, refined sugars, starch and other processed foods like thrush yeast feeds on sugar and carbohydrates. You have to make diet modifications and have a healthier, yeast free diet.
• Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar and yeast are not compatible. It is a very good remedy to cure thrush. Try to touch lightly few drops of apple cider vinegar around your nipples after feeding and allow your breasts to air dry, especially in the sunlight. Sunlight inhibits thrush formation.
Home Remedies for Adults
• Diet
Eating natural yogurt with live cultures can help reduce the symptoms of your oral thrush. It will be beneficial to swish the yogurt around your mouth to ensure that the yogurt gets to all of your mouth tissues.
You may also use one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar added to a half cup of water and use it as your mouthwash. However, if you drink the solution, it may bring you added health benefits as apple cider vinegar is known to contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants helpful for its ability to combat Candida infections and support your immune system. You may repeat this method once or twice a day.
• Herbal Remedies
The following oils have anti-infective properties which will aid in treating adult mouth thrush:
You may add few drops from any of these oils to your toothbrush before brushing. It may also be added to your mouthwash. You must swish the solution very well around your mouth two to three times a day.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Diseases on December 23rd, 2010
Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition which causes the skin to become greasy, scaly, and flaky. The most affected area of seborrheic dermatitis is the scalp. In adults, it is commonly called as “dandruff” while in babies, it is known as “cradle cap”. Other than the scalp, it also affects other parts of the body including the skin on the face, arms, legs, chest, as well as groin. Specialists do not know the exact cause of this skin condition. They believe that it runs in the family and it is hereditary. Some says that it has something to do with the hormones since the dermatitis disappears during the adolescence stage.
There are several factors to be considered for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. The treatment will depend on the causes of dermatitis, its location on the body, and the age of the sufferer. Like eczema in babies, to effectively treat Seborrheic dermatitis, it is important to determine its causes. There are different methods of treating seborrheic dermatitis. The modern way is to use shampoos designed to eliminate the dandruff. If there are natural cures for eczema, there is also natural seborrheic dermatitis treatment.
Here are some facts and tips that you can follow in order to prevent and treat seborrheic dermatitis naturally:
Many people who are suffering from this kind of skin disorder are those who are consuming too much acid. You must control your diet and avoid eating foods with high acid content. High acidity contributes in the flare ups of this skin disease. You may also want to consult your dietitian if you are having hard time in determining what kind of foods to eat.
Nevertheless, there are some people who do not drink enough water everyday. We have learned that we should at least drink eight glass of water daily. Water prevents our body from being dehydrated and it keeps our skin moisturized. So if you want a good – looking skin, drink more water to replenish your skin and to make it look better.
Include vegetables in your meal because they are rich in vitamins and minerals. They help in enhancing your immune system. Moreover, it provides extra protection to the skin. You can eat vegetable salad, not the salad found in a fast food chain. Raw foods are easily digested and it is recommended to have sixty – five percent raw foods in your diet everyday. If you prefer cooked foods, you can use natural oils in cooking.
Eating nutritious foods is essential in fighting different kinds of diseases. Food preparation is something that you should consider when eating. Make sure that there are no preservatives added because these are ingredients which can weaken the immune system. Keep your body healthy and you will be able to stop seborrheic dermatitis from occurring.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Diseases on December 21st, 2010
Proteins that unlock the mystery of over 100 brain diseases
By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD
An Anglo-American team of researchers have made a medical breakthrough after identifying a large collection of nerve proteins that are involved in around 130 brain diseases including Alzheimer’s and autism.
The team isolated the 1,461 proteins after investigating synapses, neural connection points, in patients undergoing brain surgery. Each of these proteins is encoded by a different gene they found. They coalesce to form a molecular machine known as the postsynaptic density, or PSD. They found that proteins in the PSD are especially important for cognitive behaviours such as learning and memory, emotion and mood, as well as social behaviours and addiction or drug abuse. This could mean new drugs that can target more than one brain disease they speculate.
Professor Seth Grant, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, Cambridgeshire said, “We found that over 130 brain diseases involve the PSD – far more than expected… These diseases include common debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, as well as epilepsies and childhood developmental diseases including forms of autism and learning disability… Our findings have shown that the human PSD is at centre stage of a large range of human diseases affecting many millions of people.” The study is reported in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
Co-author Professor Jeffrey Noebels, from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas added, “We now have a comprehensive molecular list of more than 1,000 suspects…Every seventh protein in this line-up is involved in a known clinical disorder and over half of them are repeat offenders.”
Professor Jonathan Seckl, of the Queen’s Medical Research Institute in Edinburgh added, “This splendid collaborative study is a major step forward which will illuminate the causes of many of the major mental health and neurological disorders as well as indicating new ways to develop treatments.” Professor Grant said, “There is a potential gold-rush, a whole new frontier for drug discovery.”
This project was conducted as part of the Genes to Cognition Program, which is a research program aimed at understanding the molecular basis of behaviour and brain disease.
Drugmaker Biogen Idec Inc. has purchased the rights to three neurodegenerative disease programs from Neurimmune Holding AG, which it had been partnering with to develop the drugs, the companies said in a statement today.
Biogen, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, will pay Schlieren, Switzerland-based Neurimmune $32.5 million, and up to $395 million more in contingent payments, for three research programs focused on Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease.
“The unmet medical need among patients suffering from devastating neurodegenerative diseases is high,” said Alfred Sandrock, senior vice president of neurology research and development at Biogen. As many as 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
The two companies partnered in 2007 to work on Alzheimer’s disease treatments, according to the statement. Biogen will be responsible for commercializing the products and will own the worldwide rights to the drugs, which have not yet entered clinical testing. Neurimmune, a closely held Swiss drug developer, will continue to research other potential treatments.
Diseases that pet dogs can transmit
Q: My six-year-old son is very fond of dogs that is why I am thinking of gifting him with one, but I am wary of possible diseases that a dog can transmit to him. Are there diseases that dogs can transmit to humans?
–Liza B., Manila
A: Animals, like humans, are susceptible to a multitude of infectious and parasitic illnesses. Fortunately, most infections are species specific, which means the majority of microorganisms that cause disease in lower animals do not affect people. Thus, illnesses that are common and highly fatal among pet dogs such as distemper, canine parvovirus, and heartworms cannot be transmitted by dogs to humans.
However, and this should answer your question, there are infectious diseases, called zoonoses, that animals can transmit to humans. In fact, there are more than 200 of these zoonoses that are caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that animals harbor, but only a few can be passed on by dogs.
The most dreadful disease that pet dogs can transmit to humans is, without doubt, rabies. Rabies is caused by a virus that resides in the saliva of infected animals and is transmitted to a human through a bite, or rarely, when the animal’s saliva gets in contact with a scratch or fresh break in the skin. Incidentally, humans cannot get infected with the rabies virus by eating the meat of a rabid animal, provided the meat is cooked. Signs of rabies include personality and behavioral changes, incoordination, hydrophobia, muscle spasms, and seizures. There is no cure for rabies and it is always fatal.
Another common infection that can be passed on by dogs is campylobacter infection, which causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever in people. This illness is brought about by campylobacter jejuni, a bacterium that inhabits the intestinal tract of dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, and some other domestic animals. The bacteria can infect a person by direct contact or by intake of contaminated water or undercooked meat (of fowls).
Skin disorders that can be acquired from pet dogs include ringworm and scabies (galis aso, in Filipino). Ringworm is caused by several types of fungi that humans can get by touching infected pets. Typically, the lesions of ringworm consist of itchy ring-shaped skin patches. Scabies, on the other hand, is caused by mites that burrow under the skin. It is characterized by an itchy pinpoint red rash, scaly skin, and hair loss.
Ectoparasites that infest pets such as fleas and ticks can turn on, and bite, humans and give rise to itchy lesions that are prone to secondary bacterial infection. Ectoparasites are also vectors for a number of infectious diseases, which happily rarely occur nowadays.
Parasites that plague dogs such as the round worm Toxocara canis can also affect humans. Toxocara worms reside in the intestines of infected dogs. When their eggs pass in the stools, they contaminate the soil. If ingested by humans, the eggs hatch in the intestines and the larvae migrate all over the body. Often, toxocara infestation is mild and causes no symptoms but sometimes it can give rise to fever, cough, skin rashes, and swollen lymph nodes (kulani, in Filipino). Migrating larvae can also damage various organs especially the liver and the eyes.
Thus, a pet dog can really transmit infections to your kid, but this should not prevent you from buying him one and making him miss out on the companionship and affection that a pet can offer. In the first place, the chance that a dog can make your son sick is small. You can even reduce this risk further by practicing these measures: keep you and your dog’s house clean and free of fleas and other ectoparasites; have your dog completely and regularly immunized and dewormed; and, teach your son good personal hygiene.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Diseases on November 18th, 2010
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the name given to a condition where one of the main nerves of the forearm gets trapped or squeezed as it passes through a tunnel in the wrist – trying to make its way into the palm of the hand. The nerve is called the Median Nerve and the small tunnel space through a gap in the wrist bones is called the carpal tunnel.
The problem is common – with some recent expert studies indicating that around one in ten of us might develop it at some point in our lives. It can be a transient and self healing issue – as is seen during pregnancy for example, or it can go on to give a lifetime of misery in association with other underlying serious disease.
Those who have the bad luck to experience carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms will experience the following problems – either all together or in combinations.
numbness in the thumb and fingers
pain in the palm of the hand or over the wrist
weakness in the hand – particularly in the thumb and index finger
clumsiness of the hand
dry skin in the palm
swelling in the hand – especially around the thumb
colour changes in the palm with the skin going red, dusky blue or mottled looking at times
The symptoms are often worse at night or first thing in the morning – and some people will wake up at night suffering from them. Sleep loss is quite common in those who have the syndrome.
For a few people the problem is triggered by the kind of work they do each day – and those people will typically feel symptoms during the day instead of at night.
Most people find that they can ease the problems a little if they shake their hand for a minute or two. This shaking effect seems to ease the pins and needles and improve the numb sensation.
Carpal tunnel treatment choices are quite wide – and many of those who have it end up quite confused when trying to figure out the best way forward.
Most commonly used is a simple splint that supports the wrist when sleeping or when working. This helps reduce the movement of the bones in the tunnel and seems to reduce the swelling around the nerve. A night time splint is often the first choice or first line treatment for women who get the syndrome when pregnant. Generic viagra Mexico
Some doctors will routinely use steroid injections when they are treating a CTS patient. The drug is injected either into the tunnel or close to it – taking great care not to inject into the nerve itself because this would cause lasting damage and worse pain. Research seems to show that this kind of injection treatment works well – particularly in the first two or three months of the problem.
Surgical operations are also used to release the nerve pressure but this invasive type of procedure runs a risk of causing nerve damage so is normally kept for those who fail to recover with other treatment choices.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Diseases on October 20th, 2010
I’d like to begin by saying that I am simply giving tips as to how to prevent and treat swine flu naturally. This is not to take the place of visits to or advice from your doctor. That being said, allow me to dive in.
1. Get Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for building a healthy immune system, which is essential in combating foreign materials (germs, viruses, etc.) The best part is that your body can get it when exposed to sunlight. Try to get at least 20 minutes of sunshine a day. Eating breakfast by an open window is an easy way to do so. For those of you however who are not keen on being in the sun for long (with fears of sunburn or the extremely low risk of cancer, but that’s another story) take foods rich in vitamin D like cod liver oil which is a great source. Keeping a healthy immune system at all times is extremely important.
2. Keep Hands and Surroundings Clean
Enough said.
3. Gargle Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
When you get any signs of sore throat associated with the beginning of a cold or flu, gargle a mixture of a tablespoon of ACV and about a mouthful of water for around 2 minutes. It is known for its antiseptic properties and kills most if not all of the offending bacteria/virus. It also brings up mucus which will contain the bacteria/virus for you to discharge easily. Make sure you get to way back in your mouth for maximum effect. Spit, rinse, and there you go. You can even do this multiple times just to be sure.
4. Use Essential Oils
Diffuse antibacterial oils like lavender, clove, and thyme in a room to kill a large quantity of the virus in the air and in your respiratory system. You can also use them to massage and in a variety of different applications. However, always be sure to consult a professional aromatherapist before using essential oils.
5. Do The Basics
Get plenty of rest, drink lots of clear fluids, and get adequate nutrition.
So these have been some completely natural tips on how to treat with swine flu. Remember still to consult your doctor to keep abreast of your situation during your period of sickness. Hopefully, some or all of these will aid you in your fight against the swine flu/AH1N1 virus.