Hip pain is a common problem that can be the result of injury. In addition, it can be caused by tendonitis or inflammation of the tendons. It may be due to bursitis or inflammation of the fluid that is present around the joints. Muscle strain can also be a cause of this problem. Whatever the reason, hip pain is definitely not a pleasant experience. The discomfort can range from mild to severe. Pain often radiates into other parts of the body including the thigh.
The hip is a ball and socket joint – the largest in the body – and when pain is experienced in this area it can make simple daily activities nearly impossible. This joint is where the thigh and the pelvis connect. Hip pain can be the result of an injury and can develop suddenly. In other instances, the problem may manifest slowly as the result of problems with the pelvis or lower back.
Chiropractors check and treat the hip joint when problems are experienced as well as the pelvic joints and the lower back. This method of healing is one of the oldest known to man. It is based on the theory that many health problems, including hip pain, are caused by the misalignment of bones in the spinal column.
Hip pain is experienced by many people and often the pain is felt in other places as well as the hip. This can include the groin, the inside or outside of the hip joint, the buttocks and the thighs. This is what is confusing to people as they often do not know what exactly is the cause of their pain.
The pain may worsen with activities such as walking or running. It can even cause the sufferer to limp. Using cold packs will often relieve the pain for a period of time. However, it is important to find the cause of the pain and treat it for the relief needed. Chiropractic treatment is a safe non-surgical way of finding this cause and treating it for relief from hip pain.
Chiropractors can also recommend exercises that can help to strengthen muscles. The way you sit or sleep an also affect the hips and put stress on the joints. Activities that you may consider pleasurable and not particularly strenuous, such as bowling or golfing can actually strain the hip joints. It is best to stop these activities if you are experiencing hip pain until you find out the cause.
The hips are essential to the movement of the body and when they hurt, it can affect many aspects of daily life. Hip and back pain are closely related and although there can be many causes the most common is a misalignment of the bones and joints of the pelvis. Seeking the professional expertise of a chiropractor is often a highly effective method of eliminating this pain. Allowing relief from hip pain without the need for drugs or surgery.
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